As we’ve already established, social media is rapidly growing and if you’re using it for your business it’s best to keep up to speed with recent trends surrounding it. It’s good to know exactly what’s going on so you can adopt certain things to help with your strategy. Here are surprising social media facts 2018.
Facebook is the biggest social networking platform both in terms of the total number of users and name recognition.
From the second quarter of 2018, Facebook had 2.23 billion monthly active users, going up 34 million in just a few months!
This platform is always worth adopting for your social media strategy due to a large number of users.
Nobody likes to see blocks of text, especially when casually scrolling through social media. As humans, we are visually orientated which means if an image explains the text alongside, it stands out more to us.
When posting on social media, always remember to include some form of image or video to go alongside. If you continue to do this, you should notice a difference with the engagement figures.
LinkedIn has grown massively in the past few years and is still bumping up in number. LinkedIn is primarily a business orientated social media platform but many students or recent graduates join to use it as their portfolio/CV or to actively search for a job.
Even though Facebook is the biggest and most popular channel to date, Instagram is the biggest in terms of engagement. As Instagram is primarily a ‘post and like’ styled platform, users go onto the app to do so. It’s no surprise that the engagement rate is higher than both Facebook and Twitter.
Only 7% of marketers say they don’t use social media for their business. A large chunk of this percentage is because they don’t know what to do or where to start with their social media strategy.
The percentage is still going up meaning at some point in the future we may have every business on social media and competition could possibly be even harder.
We would love to hear your thoughts on the unbelievable social media facts above. Leave them in the comment section below and we look forward to reading them.
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