Bob Greens
case study

Established in 2011, Bob Greens built a well-known range of affordable and high-quality designer clothing and footwear brands. Over the years, they have built strong relationships with brands, showcased in their vast catalogue of high-quality products.


E-commerce website orders


Increase in store visits

    Bob Greens first came to SOS Creativity in search of a remedy for their issue with their P.O.S system. As a result of both in-store and online growth, they needed to improve a payment processing system that could synchronize both the online and offline arms of the business. This was causing significant hassle for the client and seriously impacted the customer experience for many shoppers.

    Their main challenge in this project was the sheer amount of data that had to be processed. By implementing Square, we could synchronise both online and offline aspects of the business, creating a smooth and integrated shopping experience for customers on and offline.


    Our team of web developers have extensive experience working on E-commerce projects. Regarding developing an e-commerce WordPress website, we used the open-source WooCommerce platform to create an online shopping website that matched in-store branding and accurately represented the client’s ethos and values. In addition to developing an eCommerce WordPress website, we provide Bob Greens with web hosting and website maintenance services.

    Award-winning website design in Bolton, SOS Creativity. If you would like more information regarding our web design and website maintenance services, or if you would like to book a consultation, please don’t hesitate to contact our team by calling 0800 999 1339.

    “Excellent, responsive and considerate service, always happy to discuss options. Have been a lifesaver for us on several occasions!”

    Luke Burazin
    Operations Manager
    Bob Greens

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